printing Area
When setting up your artwork files, please utilize the Guideline below as a visual reference for how your art should be set up within our die lines. The guideline shows which formats are acceptable for us to receive your art files, and the formula we use to determine allowable print areas for each tube size.
Note, we do recommend the use of an Eye Mark for proper tube sealing when crimping your tubes with your centered artwork. Also take into consideration the use of a barcode on your physical tube. If you would like assistance with this do not hesitate to ask your Sales Rep for direction or testing of the barcode you have chosen to make sure it scans properly.
All art files received must be Text Outlined and sized properly for your specific tube dimensions. If you need assistance with creating your artwork file, Express Tubes does have a Graphic Artist on staff and we would be more than happy to introduce you to them for a creative consultation- Just ask your Rep for more details.